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Frequently asked questions
Where do I find the Shrub Plants
Where do I find the Tree Plants
Where do I find the Vegetable Plants
How does our website work
Our site works just like Amazon, where you can search for items, add them to your cart and checkout to place an order. You can search either through the menu system or through the top Search Bar located at the top of the site on every page. You can search for any item's name or any part of the products description of the item. Like if I want to learn what plants are Deer Resistant, I could search for the term "deer" and any product that has deer resistant in its description will show up in the result.

How do I order
Just add a product to your cart and checkout to order something. You can find products either through our menu system or by searching for items on the top search bar located at the top of the site on each page. You can search anything from any page. Once you click on an item/product , you can the click the the Add Button to add the product to your cart. Once products are in your cart you can always go to your cart by clicking on the cart icon on the upper left side of the website. There you can modify your list of products by removing or change quantities there in your cart. Once you are satisfied with your cart and are ready to checkout, just click the Checkout Button.
How do I add items
First search for a product either through our menu system or by searching for products on the top search bar located at the top of the site on each page. You can search anything from any page. Once you have located an item, just click on the item and it will bring you to a product page of that item. There you can add that product to your cart by clicking on the add button. You can also choose the quantity you wish to add there.
How do I search for things
First search for a product either through our menu system or by searching for products on the top search bar located at the top of the site on each page. You can search anything from any page. Just type the name of a product or part of products name. Once you have located an item, just click on the item and it will bring you to a product page of that item. There you can add that product to your cart by clicking on the add button. You can also choose the quantity you wish to add there.

I can't find what I'm looking for
To find a product either through search through our menu system or by searching for products on the top search bar located at the top of the site on each page. You can search anything from any page. Just type the name of a product or part of products name. Once you have located an item, just click on the item and it will bring you to a product page of that item. There you can add that product to your cart by clicking on the add button. You can also choose the quantity you wish to add there.

How do I choose Pick up at store
You can choose the pickup at store option either on the cart page or the checkout page as shown in the 2 pictures below.
Cart Page

Check out Page

How do I choose which store to pickup
To specify which store you would like to pick up from, just add the word "kensington" or "olney" in the note field on the cart page or on the checkout page in Step 1, just under the shipping information section as shown below. *Note that this field is not available to paypal customers and you will have to specify this information in the note field on the checkout page.
Cart Page

Check out Page

It won't let me add products to my cart
Try Hitting the refresh button on your browser.

How do I choose delivery option
You can choose the delivery option either on the cart page or the checkout page as shown in the 2 pictures below.
Cart Page

Check out Page

How does curb side pickup work
Once you place an order on our site, we will receive the order, process it and fill it. Once it is completely filled you will be notified via email or phone that your order is ready for pickup. Note that this can take up to 2 or 3 days depending on volume of orders we currently processing.
*If it is bagged goods like mulch it usually is much shorter time for confirmation emails because we are not really filling that until you arrive to load the mulch or soil into your car.
How do I order mulch
The Mulch and Soil Menu is on the main menu list or you can click the link below
Can I get anything delivered to me
Yes we can deliver anything. Everything from Flowers and plants to mulch and garden supply.
How do I check out
Once products are in your cart you can always go to your cart by clicking on the cart icon on the upper left side of the website. There you can modify your list of products by removing or change quantities there in your cart. Once you are satisfied with your cart and are ready to checkout, just click the Checkout Button. On the check out page you will have 4 Steps to go through for check out. Step 1 Shipping/Delivery information, Step 2 Delivery Method( Delivery or Pickup), Step 3 Payment information, and Step 4 Review & Place Order.

Step 1

Step 3
Step 2

Step 4

Check out button is not working
Try Hitting the refresh button on your browser.

Site is not working
Try Hitting the refresh button on your browser.

Stuck in check out and cannot proceed to next step
Make sure you have all the required fields filled out starting with the shipping information even if you are doing pickup. That option will be in the next step.
If you have done all that try hitting the refresh button on your browser.

How do I choose color for the Annuals
You can choose a color by putting a color preference in the note field on the cart page. With some of the varieties we have to do this because from the growers there is no guarantee what colors we get and we are getting shipments of new flats every couple of days.

Where do I find the Annual Plants
You can find all of our Annuals under the Annuals Menu on the top menu bar as below. or you can Click this Annual Link

Where do I find the Perennial Plants
You can find all of our Annuals under the Perennials Menu on the top menu bar as below. or you can Click this Perennial Link

How much is Delivery Fee
Delivery Fee is based on the weight of your entire cart. So each individual item has it's own weight and will be calculated at the time you add these items to your cart. So you will have to add items for it to tell you how much the Deliver Fee will be.
How Do Gift Cards work
You first have to purchase the gift card online. once the order is processed. we will then send your gift card via email and through the mail.
How do I change items in my cart
If you see the picture below there are two ways you can modify your items on the cart page shown in the yellow circles. One is deleting items by clicking on the "X" on the right side of each item shown in the picture below with the right yellow circle. Secondly you can change item count by clicking in the count box, the one left circle below, and changing the count to a different number. You can also hover over that box and it will show you arrows up or down indicating you can increase or decrease the count with these arrows.

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